Friday 1 November 2013

Happy Deepavali....

Finish my OT around 1pm. So tired mentally sbb lama dah tak buat condyle fracture. This time teh angka didnt displaced so easy peasy. This time i use 1.5 plates with 6mm screws. 2 plates used. Photo NA.

Butttttt......after OT my officer aproached and request me to bake her cake. Oh no this time is chocolate cake.

Ni lah ghupernyer

Is actually Devil chocolate cake. Cream chocolate cream in the middle, cream cheese cream Then ganache.....rasa sangatlah sedap. Makan ganache je pun sgt sedap. Tak dapat nak decorate gila...sbb tuan punya nak beraya kat Ipoh......

So happy Deepavali to Deepa n family


Carrot cake lagi dan lagi

Sampai sekarang tak tau kenapa depa suka order carrot cake sy. Rupa dia ker? Rasa? Harga?...... Sampai satu hari lepas siapkan tempahan org maka sendiri buat untuk sendiri makan. Buat setengah dari adunan asal Joy of Baking...

Ni lah rupa kek carrot. Makan sepotong.....ehmmmm sedap ngupernyer.  Rasa kek tak brp manis. Tapi topping cream cheese tu yg best sebab ada lemon zest. Kerangupan kacang walnut kat atas tu menyebabkan aroma kek tu lagi mengancam.

Adam n hub ulang makan 3 kali pas tu habih dah. Begitulah punya banyak carrot cake yang orang tempah baru kali ni dapat merasa.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Ending the year of 2013

Only realize that I have a so called a blog. Has been almost a year that I left this blog empty without any entry. Yessss I am fully occupied all the time. Highly committed to work, work, home, my self and ....not sure what. I have to admit that writing is not an easy task to perform. But professionally I can commit my time in some writing on scientific mater relate to work... Oh no work again. 
My leisure time...I spend only occasionally to my interest. Baking now become so rarely. Cooking boleh Kira dgn jari how many time a week that I cook. Only I cook for the most important meal of the day... Breakfast! 
Photography has been long that  I didn't pick the camera and go on random shooting...
Even my orchid has been so sultry, dry and some pots already dying.
I have to admit time goes very fast lately and I was so behind to catch up on anything.
As year 2013 approaching the end, I decided to ask for a special prayer that me, mom can be together. Yesss alhamdulillah I was given an idea and ilham that umrah is the best getaway to end this year. With Allah blessing I have the intention to perform it with family. Long way before I had my umrah when I went alone in 1999 before I went to further my study. Insha Allah may Allah bless my intention, journey and safe back again with good health to serve for the ummah.... Amin

My mom orchid...
I just love to capture it
Even though it has near finish blooming

Friday 11 January 2013

A tickle...

Alhamdulillah segala puji untuk Allah swt yang telah melimpahkan rezeki teramat banyak kepada ku, keluarga, rakan dan kenalan rapat. Tahun 2012 banyka juga memori manis dan pahit tapi elok lah di catatkan yang manis 2 aje...
1, menikmati usia ke 44 dengan kesihatan tubuh badan yang baik. masih boleh bangun pagi menunaikan tanggungjawab kepada Allah, dan melaksanakan urusan rumahtangga dengan lancar
2, dipermudahkan menguruskan sumber manusia ehmmmm part yang sangat susah untuk dilakukan dan perlukan kesabaran