Tuesday 8 May 2012

Apam modern..

Assalamualaikum... selamat sejahtera kepada yg menjenguk blog ini.
Hari ini adalah off day utk ke klinik. Sebab... penat sangat dek seharian di OT. 4 kes jer tapi penatnya masyallah. Maklumlah start operating kul 8.30 dan habis jam 5.15. Aduss penat berdiri and operate. Tapi alhamdulillah semua selesai dgn jayanya. Atas pertolongan Allah jua yangtelah memberikan kekuatan fizikal, mental dan ilham yang datang untuk melaksanakan pembedahan sebegitu.
Hari ini dek terlalu penat dapatlah mengupdate blog.

Last entry mengenai spam tepong beras yang dikirakan guna resepi lama tapi yang ini adalah apam modem. Kalau kebiasaan apam menggunakan ragi sebagai bahan penaik tapi yang modern tak yah pakai ibu roti atau yeast tapi guna yogurt. Kenapa jadi modern? Sebab yogurt terhasil dari tindakbalas ragi dan susu. Yogurt yang di gunakan mestilah yang asli kerana ini akan menghasilkan apam yang gebu dan lembut. Kebaikan apam ini dia tahan lama dan rasa tetap maintain, sedap, gebu dan tak muak atau hanyir bau telor. Masa penyediaan tak terlalu lama disamping boleh buat kerja lain masa buat apam ni. So untuk yang sibuk dan nak impresskan diri sendiri boleh lah cuba. resepi ada ditepekkan kat bawah. Chewaah. resepi ni bukan ciptaan sendiri. Maklum surgeon mana ada banyak masa nak duduk didapur mereka masakn yang pelbagai. Blog-blog masakan yang banyak dialam maya boleh sangat dijadikan rujukan. resepi apam modern ni diambil dari blog Masam Manis, blog Rima dan banyak lagi blogger masakan yang dah mencuba dan memberikan tip untuk menghasilkan apam ni.

Resepi Apam Modern @ Apam Yogurt

2 biji telur
13/4 cawan gula castor (resepi asal 2 cwn)
1 sudu teh ovalett
1 cawan yogurt asli
      ------------> Bahan diatas disatukan dalam mangkuk adunan dan kacau guna speed perlahan sampai kembang
2 cwn tepung gandum diayak dengan 1 sudu kecil baking powder. 
-----------------> Apabila telor dah kembang masukkan tepong sedikit 2 sambil memukul sampai adunan jadi pekat dan gebu cantik. 
p/s: boleh buat kerja lain masa menunggu adunan ni spt memanaskan kukusan dan susunkan papercup dalam acuan tin.
Kukus dalam bekas kecil dgn api kuat.
Tutupkan kain pada tudung pengukus utk memastikan tidak ada wap escape dan apam akan merekah dengan jayanya...

Selamat mencuba.  

Apam ni sedap dimakan tanpa kelapa. dan lebih sedap dimakan bila lapar dan tak ada makanan lain yang dibuat. :))

Sunday 6 May 2012

Orchid at night


Impiana Inn.. Genting P. Tioman

Salam to every one..

The photo was captured at the back of my clinic while i was busy entertaining my client. I think this photo is nice. It tell 2 stories actually. One basically obvious,, i never bother to inspect the back of the clinic then this thing happen. It was one year by now i left this pile of wood then lalang came along for companion. Haha...The other story i was too busy to clean up the mess. Lazy and tired. as usual. But overall i like the photo taken maklumlah my hb photo huhu.

So to ease the mind and for relaxation we decided to have a short break and coincide with my eyes got infected with viral. No patient. Decided to go P. Tioman again. This place is always relaxing and never boring. The exact spot is Kg. Genting and place to hang out is Impiana Inn. The chalet is not so close to the beach. The beach is clean equipped with beach chair perfect for unwind the mind and nap of course. 
Watching the sunset and witness the night at Kg Genting is so relaxing and simulating. We spend 2 night here. Activity start by swimming or more soaking in the sea with low tide just dip into waving current. don't know how to swim anyway. Did not go for snorkeling as i have sore eyes. So ended up reading a story book borrowed fr the resort.

Beach strolling is the best way to enjoy the beautiful scenery at Kg. Genting. We wanted to hire a bicycle to move around but no bicycle for Adam so end up walking. This spot is near the renting Damai resort. In front of it is Sun Beach resort. The water is crystal clear and perfect spot for snorkeling. The platform is provided for snorkeler to rest. Nice
Enough with strolling and exploring the area i decided to take a nap under the pine tree in front of PADI office. No one there. So i took at least 30 minutes nap while Adam and hub busy shooting.


Had our lunch at the warong in front of the jetty. Was nice scenery. Low water tide so no ferry come in during the midday.
Return to the chalet we engulf more tropical cordial drinks serve by the chalet. It was continuous supply so no matter how much you drink they will top up the drinks again.

Afternoon, we decided to go fishing at the jetty. Saw a man catches 4 ikan lolong by only using squid bait and no fishing rod. It was so many fish under the jetty. It was low tide and it make it easier to caught the fish. Haha i'm not so lucky though because i use bread as a bait.

School of ikan lolong.. dark colored because it were too dense!

The spot i like to spend .. Like it like it very much